The only organization in Canada dedicated to addressing stalking

We are a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to ending stalking.
The Canadian Anti-Stalking Association is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to ending stalking.

About us

Our Mission

CASA is Canada’s only non-profit organization dedicated to ending stalking. We do this through education, advocacy and collaboration with other victim serving organizations across Canada.

Julie S. Lalonde, a survivor and a longtime advocate for victims/survivors of gender-based violence, founded CASA in 2024. When an abusive ex stalked her for over a decade, Julie experienced firsthand the lack of support and services available to victims in Canada. In 2017, she collaborated with artist Ambivalently Yours to create The idea was simply to create a 5-minute PSA to give survivors and their allies practical advice to survive stalking. It became abundantly clear though that survivors needed more.

Enter CASA! We have big ambitious plans but we can’t do this without you.

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We need your help!

We’re looking for our people – advocates, legal experts, educators, researchers and survivors – who want to help us build a national network.

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We believe in a world free of stalking.

We believe in the power of community.
We believe that survivors/victims deserve seats at the table.

Join Us
Our Story

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”

– Anne Lamott, via Chanel Miller’s victim impact statement

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Will Miller
Growth marketer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

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Matt Cannon
Junior Designer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

John Carter - Learnify X Webflow Template
John Carter
Senior Designer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

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Robert Fuller
Brand Designer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

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Patrick Meyer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

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Andy Smith
Marketing Specialist

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

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Lily Woods
Junior Designer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”

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Sophie Moore
UI/UX Designer

“Convallis vivamus at cras porta nibh velit aliquam eget in faucibus mi tristique aliquam ultrices sit cras nascetur inele dolor sit amet dolor sit amet ”